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Users and Linked Responses

1 min read

There is a Direct and Indirect way you can Link Responses to your Users. Having different ways of linking Responses allows you to have better control of your data.

When you manually link Response to a User, you create a direct link. This way, you are in control of the information you are giving access to.

Users with manually assigned Responses will not be able to see any other information within that Form or Survey.

You can remove Direct Link by unlinking users as easily.

When you assign Form to a User you are giving full access to all of its data. So it is important, if you want to keep a limited access to your data, do not assign Forms but individual Responses.

You can link Responses to Users via an automated link. Once set up, opposite to manual, automated linking does not require any interaction from you. Every new Response will be automatically linked to a User.

Indirect Linking is useful when you want to assign App User Responses to a Web User. With automatic linking, you don’t need to worry about having to link every new Response manually.


1. To setup an automated link you will need to Edit a User

2. Depending on a User Type you will have three different ways of setting up Indirect Linking

For Users with User Type – Web App

Select Mobile App Users you want to link Responses from.

Here all Responses will be linked from selected App Users to a Web User you are editing.

For Users with User Type – Mobile App

Select Web App Users you want to link Responses to.

Here all responses will be linked from an App User you are editing to selected Web Users.

For Users with User Type – Web App and Mobile App

Select Mobile App Users you want to link Responses from.

Here all Responses will be linked from selected App Users to a Web User you are editing.

Select Web App Users you want to link Responses to.

Here all responses will be linked from an App User you are editing to selected Web Users.


3. Save changes. Web Users will need to log out and log in again to see the changes.

Once Indirect Link is created, Web Users will be able to see all historical Responses as well.

If you are not an administrator, you will need to have permission to Edit a User. This will depend on a User Role assigned to you by your Administrator.