Unfortunately, some Users might decide to leave and close their Accounts.
Just remember, our Users get unlimited access to the entire system. Users can enjoy the unlimited experience without any worries about having too many Forms & Surveys, Users or Mobile Devices linked to their accounts. Our unique pricing allows our Users to make vast savings in comparison to other products on the market.
If you like to close your account, please contact our support team at support@tapapp.cloud.
Once your request is actioned, we will put your account in a lock mode, and after 20 days it will be closed.
Following our Data Retention Policy, after 1 month from closing your account, we will erase all your stored data.
During the 1 month period, you can raise a case and request to reopen your account. However, you will need to provide strong evidence to support the reasons why we should do that. To raise a case, please contact our support team at support@tapapp.cloud